The breathable and waterproof principle of ptfe waterproof breathable membrane is that the diameter of micropores is 1/5000 to 1/20000 of the diameter of water droplets, which is about 700 times the diameter of water vapor molecules. Therefore, it can prevent water droplets from passing through and allow water vapor molecules to be free. Through this, sweat vapor is discharged to the outside by utilizing the temperature and humidity differences between the temperature inside the clothing and the outside environment.
The PTFE filter membrane produced by Suzhou PTFE filter membrane manufacturer by mechanically stretching PTFE material can ensure complete retention of impurities such as bacteria and has a large flux.
The material is resistant to high temperatures, strong acids and alkalis, and has wide chemical applicability. When used for gas filtration, it can achieve 100% retention of various phages, bacteria and particles above 0.02um.