After many friends bought the tent and used it at home, they just put it in the trunk or in the corner of their home and ignored it. You must know that any sturdy and durable item has its service life, let alone a tent made of Oxford cloth. Therefore, proper maintenance and care can extend the service life of the tent a lot, so it should be cleaned and stored in a ventilated and dry place.
Generally tents There is no need to use detergent for cleaning, just wipe it with an ordinary wet towel. If the outer tent is very dirty and must be cleaned with detergent, try to use a milder detergent, and do not use strong alkaline or strong acidic ones. Detergents, it is also prohibited to use chemical cleaning agents such as gasoline and 84 disinfectant. These chemicals will not only damage the waterproof layer of the tent but also cause harm to human health, especially the 84 strong alkaline disinfectant, which is highly corrosive. , if not cleaned, the residual disinfectant will come into direct contact with the skin, and the consequences will be disastrous once an accident occurs.
To learn A good habit of using tents. Even tents with good waterproof capabilities cannot tolerate dark and humid environments. Humid environments will corrode tents, and dark, humid and unventilated environments encourage the growth of bacteria in tents. Originally, outdoor It is already a healthy thing, but exposing yourself to health risks due to improper storage of the tent is not worth the gain. Therefore, try to place the tent in a ventilated place after each cleaning and arrangement, but remember not to expose it directly to the sun.
Oxford cloth What are the specifications? Such as 1680D, 1200D, 900D, 600D, 420D, 300D, 210D, 150D and other Oxford cloth. Function classification of Oxford cloth: fire-retardant cloth, waterproof Oxford cloth, PVC Oxford cloth, PU Oxford cloth, camouflage Oxford cloth, fluorescent Oxford cloth, Printed Oxford cloth, composite Oxford cloth, etc.