Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Guangxi’s silkworm cocoon output has ranked first in the country for many years, promoting the development of the entire sericulture, cocoon and silk industry chain. Composite fabric information

Guangxi’s silkworm cocoon output has ranked first in the country for many years, promoting the development of the entire sericulture, cocoon and silk industry chain. Composite fabric information

Recently, in the production workshop of Guangxi Nongtou GuiheSilk Co., Ltd., workers were processing, loading and washing silkworm cocoons, showing a busy scene scene. It is understood that the company is a lea…

Recently, in the production workshop of Guangxi Nongtou GuiheSilk Co., Ltd., workers were processing, loading and washing silkworm cocoons, showing a busy scene scene.

It is understood that the company is a leading enterprise in Guangxi’s sericulture industry. It is mainly engaged in the production of high-quality silk and silk textile products, the purchase and import of silk raw materials, and the import and export of silk. The annual production capacity is 2,500 tons ofraw silk, 3 million meters of silk and satin, and 120,000 sets of home textile products. In order to promote the development of the sericulture industry, the company adopts the modern agricultural order production model of “company + base + farmers + standards”, uses industry to feed agriculture, bundles production with farmers, and develops together, using the mulberry base as the first workshop to increase production Strengthen the construction of sericulture production to help increase agricultural efficiency and increase farmers’ income. In 2021, the company has radiated and promoted mulberry planting area of ​​nearly 400,000 acres, benefiting more than 100,000 farmers.

In recent years, Guangxi has optimized its industrial layout and promoted the clustered development of the sericulture industry, with sericulture production covering 71 counties. In 2021, the area of ​​mulberry gardens in Guangxi reached 3.0263 million acres, the output of silkworm cocoons was 407,400 tons, and the income of silkworm farmers from selling cocoons was 20.818 billion yuan. Guangxi’s cocoon production has ranked first in the country for 17 consecutive years, and raw silk production has ranked first in the country for 12 consecutive years. Cocoon and raw silk production account for about 55% and 35% of the country’s total respectively. The total output value of the primary, secondary and tertiary products of the sericulture industry exceeds 50 billion yuan. Guangxi has been awarded titles such as “China’s Hometown of Sericulture” and “China’s New Silk City”, and has formed a full industrial chain of “mulberry-silkworm-cocoon-silk-silk”.

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Author: clsrich

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