Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Nanshan Zhishang empowers new changes in the formal wear industry, composite fabric information

Nanshan Zhishang empowers new changes in the formal wear industry, composite fabric information

When we first entered the society and looked for a job, each of us would buy a neat suit because it was the standard for interviews. From then on, whether we are negotiating at the business table or socializing…

When we first entered the society and looked for a job, each of us would buy a neat suit because it was the standard for interviews. From then on, whether we are negotiating at the business table or socializing… this classic combination of “black suit + white shirt” is enough for us to meet the needs of different work scenarios and has become an evergreen combination in the wardrobe.

But with the development of the times, suits and leather shoes and walking in a hurry seem to have become the symbols of office workers. The rise of the metaverse and the virtual economy has opened up more job types, and men and women in the new workplace have more expectations for formal wear. Traditional formal attire can no longer meet the needs of all business and scene needs. Breaking the immutable styles of traditional formal attire and enhancing the flexibility of design have become the needs of today’s market.

Based on this background, the Nanshan Zhishang Cup·China Formal Wear Design Competition came into being. As the first competition in China that focuses on formal wear design, the Nanshan Zhishang Cup·China Formal Wear Design Competition has been different from other traditional competitions since its establishment. In terms of event positioning, the “formal wear” category is placed first. At the same time, innovative ideas are integrated into development genes, fabric resources are placed at the core, and young designers are called on to use their creative power to subvert the previous image of formal wear and create a refreshing new trend in formal wear design.

Gathering the best of the industry

Creating the first competition in China focusing on formal wear design field

Recently, domestic fashion design competitions have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and many young designers have received honorary moments in the competitions. But relying solely on such competitions to grow seems a bit embarrassing in the face of the “alchemy stone” of the industrial chain and market. Nanshan Zhishang Cup·China Formal Wear Design Competition adapts to industrial changes and the development needs of young designers, aiming at the pain points and difficulties of designer development, relying on the capital advantages of Nanshan Zhishang’s listed companies and the design, colleges and universities of the China Fashion Designers Association. Channel resources integrate and utilize the three functional matrices of “industry, fashion, and capital”. Through the aggregation of cutting-edge design talents, interactive exchanges between enterprises and designers, transformation of innovative results, and capital assistance, we will seamlessly connect original design with the formal clothing manufacturing industry, directly and clearly provide resource support to young designers, and allow them to advance in the industry chain. can be more open-minded.

Behind the support of young designers is Nanshan Zhishang’s strong sense of social responsibility. “Nanshan Zhishang has joined hands with the China Fashion Designers Association to provide a platform for young designers in the field of Chinese fashion design.” It is an important stage to display dreams and go global.” Song Jianbo, chairman of Nanshan Group, said that in the face of the ever-changing textile industry, Nanshan Zhishang continues to cultivate its internal skills and achieve the most efficient development through creative empowerment, resource integration, industrial chain innovation and other means. Innovating new methods and leading the market not only win the reputation of consumers, but also polish the brand.

Establishing an interactive and win-win competition mechanism

Opening up the “two channels of Ren and Du” between creativity and industry

The success of a competition does not only rely on the highlight of the finals and awards ceremony, but also on the full cooperation of the entire process. As one of the few integrated wool textile and apparel industry chain companies in the world, Nanshan Zhishang has a complete wool textile and apparel industry chain from wool to ready-made garments. With the successful holding of the finals of this competition, we have also seen the strong development power demonstrated by Nanshan Zhishang’s supporting players while bringing a visual feast to the public, especially in terms of design ideas and resource endowment. In terms of performance and cultural connotation, Nanshan Zhishang used this event to lead the iterative upgrading of the entire formal wear industry.

In order to deeply cooperate with the contestants’ creative ideas, Nanshan Zhishang provided fabric production funds worth 10,000 yuan to all finalists at the beginning of the planning of this event. In addition to purchasing fabrics for the final works, shortlisted designers can also experience the characteristics and charm of Nanshan Zhishang in the fields of channel display, color design, and formal wear production. At the finals, Nanshan Zhishang’s high-quality wool worsted fabrics were given a fashionable connotation by young designers, which also allowed the designers’ creative ideas to find a path to realize their value.

It is precisely through this precise point-to-point grafting that we have opened up the “Ren and Supervision” of design and market, industry and creativity, helping more fashion designers to implement innovative ideas. , has improved the formal fashion ecosystem of Nanshan Zhishang, opened a new textile engine of “technology, fashion, and green”, and demonstrated the responsibility of textile enterprises with actions.

At the launching ceremony of this competition, Sun Ruizhe, President of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation, pointed out that the cultivation of China’s design power needs to be integrated with the industrial ecology to transform design into real productivity; It needs to adapt to market demand and transform the design into actual consumption power; it needs to be consistent with the values ​​of the times and transform the design into cultural appeal. Formal clothing is an important symbol of modern human civilization and the most representative clothing category in international social etiquette. The Nanshan Zhishang Cup·China Formal Wear Design Competition takes formal wear as the entry point, providing a platform for exchanges, comparisons, and learning among new design forces, new design methods, and new design concepts, and bringing about the update and value extension of the formal wear industry.

It is true that��From a development perspective, the forward development of any industry is inseparable from the pioneering efforts of icebreakers. The Nanshan Zhishang Cup·China Formal Wear Design Competition focuses on innovative measures in the formal wear category, which is conducive to changing the “cold image” of formal wear in the past. From the works of the contestants in this competition, we fully feel the creative designs of designers in the new era, allowing The industry has also felt the charm of the combination of formal wear and fashion design, highlighting the importance of formal wear design talents.

The Nanshan Zhishang Cup·The First China Formal Wear Design Competition was a complete success, and the future means a new starting point, new opportunities and new challenges. When textile giants continue to set their sights on the designer group at the starting point of the industrial chain, it indicates that a large number of “savvy people” who are familiar with the formal wear industry will continue to enter the industry. In the future, they will inject new design power and creative energy into the formal wear industry. Promote the formal wear design industry to enter a new stage.

Nanshan Zhishang New Transformation in Formal Wear Industry

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Author: clsrich

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