Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Hengli Chen Jianhua and many other textile entrepreneurs won the titles of “Yuan Baohua Enterprise Management Gold Award” and “National Outstanding Entrepreneur” Composite Fabric Information

Hengli Chen Jianhua and many other textile entrepreneurs won the titles of “Yuan Baohua Enterprise Management Gold Award” and “National Outstanding Entrepreneur” Composite Fabric Information

On September 16, the 2022 National Entrepreneurs Day and the Chinese Entrepreneurs Annual Conference were held in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The conference awarded the 12th “Yuan Baohu…

On September 16, the 2022 National Entrepreneurs Day and the Chinese Entrepreneurs Annual Conference were held in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The conference awarded the 12th “Yuan Baohua Enterprise Management Gold Award” to commend the national outstanding entrepreneurs in 2021-2022.

The “Yuan Baohua Enterprise Management Gold Award” is the highest award in the field of Chinese enterprise management practice established by the China Enterprise Management Science Foundation in 2005 and named after “Yuan Baohua”. This event is organized by a specially established expert committee and review committee in accordance with strict standards and procedures. Each session selects several entrepreneurs who have made outstanding contributions in business management practice and theory, and awards them the “Yuan Baohua Business Management Gold Award.” A total of 6 entrepreneurs won the title of “Yuan Baohua Enterprise Management Gold Award” this year, among which Chen Jianhua, chairman and president of Hengli Group Co., Ltd. from the textile and garment industry, won the title.

List of winners of the 12th “Yuan Baohua Enterprise Management Gold Award” (textile and apparel)

Chen Jianhua Chairman and President of Hengli Group Co., Ltd.

The selection of “National Outstanding Entrepreneurs” is an important event with great social influence and wide participation that has been carried out by the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Entrepreneurs Association for a long time and is held every two years. Over the years, a large number of outstanding entrepreneurs have been commended in the “National Outstanding Entrepreneurs” selection activities, which has produced a good response across the country and is generally welcomed by the majority of enterprises and entrepreneurs. After recommendation and selection, 190 entrepreneurs were named “National Outstanding Entrepreneurs” in 2021-2022, including 11 entrepreneurs from the textile and clothing industry.

List of National Outstanding Entrepreneurs in 2021-2022 (Textile and Apparel)

Ma Jianrong, Chairman of Ningbo Shenzhou Knitting Co., Ltd.

Deng Zhonghua Chairman and General Manager of Baohualin Industrial Development Co., Ltd., Yongan City, Fujian Province

Song Dewu Jilin Chemical Fiber Group Co., Ltd. Party Committee Secretary and Chairman

Zhang Bo, Chairman of Shandong Weiqiao Entrepreneurship Group Co., Ltd.

Lu Xiaomei, Chairman of Changchun Shengweiyate Clothing Group Co., Ltd.

Lin Pingdali Chairman of Silk (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.

Lin Jibao, General Manager of Fujian Xuyuan Textile Co., Ltd.

Zheng Yueming, Chairman and President of LianmaNew Materials Technology Co., Ltd.

Chairman of the Board and President of Gaodekang Bosideng International Holdings Co., Ltd.

Chairman and President of Zhangkapeng Weixing Group Co., Ltd.

Miao Hangen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shenghong Holdings Group Co., Ltd.

This conference, with the theme of “Promoting Entrepreneurship and Striving for a New Journey”, aims to further promote and stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit, create a market environment and social atmosphere that is conducive to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, and further develop enterprises and enterprises. family initiative, encourage entrepreneurs to strengthen their confidence, face difficulties, promote high-quality development of enterprises, contribute to stabilizing the economic market, and welcome the 20th anniversary of the Party with excellent results A great victory was held.

At the “Yuan Baohua Enterprise Management” practice forum, Chen Jianhua, chairman and president of Hengli Group Co., Ltd., focused on serving the country through industry, building industry benchmarks, promoting innovation and change, and adhering to green development, together with outstanding entrepreneurs from across the country. Representatives exchanged and shared management experience and insights, and delivered keynote speeches as representatives of the “Yuan Baohua Enterprise Management Gold Award”.

Chen Jianhua, Chairman and President of Hengli Group Co., Ltd., won the “Yuan Baohua Enterprise Management Gold Award”

Chen Jianhua said that enterprises should take the initiative to take responsibility for the country and share its worries, “concentrate on doing their own things well”, adhere to the feelings of family and country, seize development opportunities, shoulder responsibilities, and show new responsibilities and new responsibilities in the new era. As a company, we will go all out to serve the overall situation of high-quality development. In the 28 years since his establishment, Chen Jianhua has adhered to an international vision and aimed to be world-class. With his rich business management experience, excellent strategic decision-making ability and resource integration ability, he has led Hengli Group from a small textile factory with three acres of land to An international enterprise with nine major production bases, it has sailed against the current and become one of the world’s top 100 enterprises.

Lin Ping, Chairman of Dali Silk (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., was named “National Outstanding Entrepreneur” in 2021-2022.

Lin Ping, Chairman of Dali Silk (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., has been engaged in the silk industry for more than 40 years. With the mission of “promoting silk culture and inheriting Chinese civilization”, he has made outstanding achievements in revitalizing Chinese silk, innovating industrial models, and building national brands. contribution. As the helmsman of Dali Silk, Lin Ping has been leading the company for decades, looking up to the stars and keeping his feet on the ground. Since 2017, he has led the company to fully launch the “digital transformation and green development” strategy, focusing on making up for shortcomings and lengthening strengths, upgrading new momentum, seizing structural opportunities, and actively promoting digital transformation, marketing organization changes, product system creation, etc. Innovative initiatives that have far-reaching impacts on businesses and industries.

Gao Dekang, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board and President of Bosideng Group, continues the red blood and has a great heart for the country. He has devoted himself to the core business for 46 years, adheres to brand leadership, and leads China’s down apparel in the new era.The world leads the new journey. From the “Memory of Summit” in Shikumen, Shanghai in 1975, to the “Story of 8 Sewing Machines“, which pioneered the times, and from the registration of the “Bosideng” trademark to participate in the market Competition has reached its peak and led the world in terms of the total size of down jackets. During the 46 years since his founding, Gao Dekang has not forgotten his original intention and mission, devoted himself to the core business of down jackets, and is determined to build an independent and innovative national brand, driving my country’s down jackets to grow into the largest player in the textile and apparel industry. The category of international competitiveness has become a vivid portrayal of “starting a business with the Party, striving with the Party, and realizing dreams with the Party”.

Since joining the group in 1999, Zhang Bo, chairman of Shandong Weiqiao Entrepreneurship Group Co., Ltd., has directly promoted the successful listing of Weiqiao Textile and participated in the rise of the aluminum and electricity sector. In recent years, Zhang Bo has led Weiqiao Entrepreneurship Group to accelerate the conversion of old and new driving forces, increase technological innovation, implement corporate social responsibilities, a large number of high-end projects have been completed and put into production, and accelerated the construction of lightweight bases , to promote enterprises towards the path of high-quality development.


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Author: clsrich

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