Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Yunnan Dehong: Accelerate the cultivation of advantageous sericulture industry clusters

Yunnan Dehong: Accelerate the cultivation of advantageous sericulture industry clusters

In recent years, Dehong Prefecture in Yunnan Province has adhered to the orientation of high-quality development and the development of the entire industry chain, followed the development idea of ​​”big i…

In recent years, Dehong Prefecture in Yunnan Province has adhered to the orientation of high-quality development and the development of the entire industry chain, followed the development idea of ​​”big industry + new entities + new platforms” and adhered to the development direction of “characteristics, ecology, high quality and efficiency”. Optimize the industrial structure layout, transform the development model, promote standardized production, intensive management, and brand development, continuously improve the agricultural base rate, agricultural product processing conversion rate, and high-quality products and fruit rate, extend the industrial chain, enhance the value chain, and cultivate new Momentum, create a group of modern agricultural industry clusters with leading leadership, complete chains, and intensive development, promote the transformation and upgrading of modern characteristic agriculture, improve quality and efficiency, and promote increased grain production, agricultural efficiency, and farmers’ income.

Dehong Prefecture focuses on developing advantageous production areas such as Longba, Mengyue, and Mengjia, and builds 10 contiguous high-yield, high-quality and efficient demonstration bases of 1,000 acres. Build a number of 10,000-acre demonstration towns and 1,000-acre demonstration villages, and create a 100,000-acre core production area. Vigorously promote the application of new varieties, new technologies, and new machines in mulberry and silkworm breeding, increase investment in water circuits, silkworm houses, and mulberry garden bases, and create a demonstration base for the stable production of high-grade raw silk above 5A level. Develop a series of products such as mulberry branches and fungus, and improve the level of comprehensive development and utilization of sericulture resources. Promote the deep processing of cocoon and silk, support the accelerated development of leading enterprises such as Zhengxin and Kaixiya Group, focus on the construction of Longchuan Silk Industrial Park, create “China’s high-end cocoon and silk (silk) base” and silk reeling, weaving, printing and dyeing, clothing, and home textiles The whole industry chain.


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Author: clsrich

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