Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News What kind of fabric is lyocell fiber (lyocell fiber is a polyester fiber)

What kind of fabric is lyocell fiber (lyocell fiber is a polyester fiber)

Lyocell fiber is a kind of polyester fiber, also called polyester fiber. It is a common synthetic fiber. It is made from polyester monomer (vinyl acrylate) through polymerization reaction. The long fiber has ex…

Lyocell fiber is a kind of polyester fiber, also called polyester fiber. It is a common synthetic fiber. It is made from polyester monomer (vinyl acrylate) through polymerization reaction. The long fiber has excellent wear resistance, corrosion resistance, good tensile strength, tear resistance and heat resistance. The structural characteristics of Lyocell fiber give it good fabric strength, tensile strength and wear resistance. Therefore, Lyocell fiber can be used to make fabrics with high strength and high wear resistance.

Lyocell fiber can be used to make a variety of fabrics, such as cotton fabrics, polyester fabrics, nylon fabrics, spandex fabrics, etc. . Lyocell fiber fabric has excellent wear resistance and can resist external impact, making the clothes have good tear resistance. In addition, Lyocell fiber fabrics have good antibacterial properties and can effectively inhibit the growth of microorganisms, thereby keeping clothes clean.

Lyocell fiber fabric has good breathability, allowing clothes to fit comfortably against the body, and is not easily deformed and can maintain the original shape of the clothes. Lyocell fiber fabric has good UV resistance, which can effectively prevent ultraviolet rays and protect the skin. In addition, Lyocell fiber fabrics also have good dyeability and can meet the diverse needs of consumers.

Due to the excellent properties of lyocell fiber fabric, it is widely used in making various clothes, such as sportswear, T-shirts, shirts , jackets, trousers, etc. The superior properties of Lyocell fiber fabrics make it favored by consumers in the clothing field, making it one of the main materials in the clothing industry.

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Author: clsrich

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