Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News The 1+1 way of wearing T-shirts is popular this year (fashionable, slimming and high-end)

The 1+1 way of wearing T-shirts is popular this year (fashionable, slimming and high-end)

T-shirt is a very daily item, especially in spring and summer, it is our indispensable matching tool. However, since T-shirt itself is a casual style item, There is nothing new in style and design, so it is dif…

T-shirt is a very daily item, especially in spring and summer, it is our indispensable matching tool. However, since T-shirt itself is a casual style item, There is nothing new in style and design, so it is difficult to wear it freshly. If you want to break this situation, you can achieve the goal through matching, such as the “1+1” wearing method that is very popular this year. Fashionable, slim and high-end, Qin Lan and Yuan Shanshan have already worn it.

LOOK1: T-shirt + suspenders

As we enter summer, many girls I began to wear suspenders, but some girls are not confident enough about their figures, so they dare not try suspenders with a larger skin area. At this time, we can use T-shirts and suspenders, which can not only cleverly cover the fat on the upper body, but also play with the rules of layering! Qin Lan chose a white T-shirt layered with black suspenders, which is both sexy and casual, and will not look inconsistent with daily matching.

Most fashionistas will choose solid color T-shirts when trying the combination of T-shirts and suspenders, because solid-color items are easier to match. The addition of overly fancy elements not only avoids the complexity caused by mixing and matching, but also allows us to focus on the suspender items, thus highlighting the femininity. When Yuan Shanshan chose to layer a T-shirt and a suspender skirt, she used the most basic white T-shirt, combined with the sequined suspender skirt, to focus all the attention on the skirt, covering the flesh and making it more attractive.

LOOK2: Shirt + T-shirt

Shirts and T-shirts are both basic items , if you want to wear these two basic items in a new way, you might as well try the layering method. Stacking a shirt and a T-shirt can enhance the layering of your outfit, save two mediocre items, and instantly transform you into a fashionista. Zhou Dongyu’s look is a good example. He wears a red shirt and a red T-shirt. The saturation is super high and it is full of youthful vitality.

There are two main interpretations of layering shirts and T-shirts. One is wearing a T-shirt inside and a shirt layered outside. Another way is to wear a shirt inside and a T-shirt on the outside. Because the matching methods are different, the styles interpreted are also different. The former is a more traditional matching method, suitable for novices who dare not try new styles, while the latter is a style of dressing that has only been derived in the past two years and is suitable for those who pursue fashion. fashion icon. As a new fashionista, Zhang Zifeng chose a striped shirt and a black T-shirt this time. It looks very trendy and cool!

LOOK3: Suit + T-shirt

With the continuous development of the fashion industry, suit styles It is becoming more and more abundant, and its matching solutions are becoming more and more novel. Speaking of the most popular suit matching scheme this year, it must be “suit + T-shirt”. Many people think that suits are too formal, so we can use casual T-shirts with suits to reduce the dullness of the suits and make the overall look more casual. Whether it is for commuting to work or for daily dates, you can’t go wrong.

LOOK4: Denim jacket + T-shirt

Because the denim jacket itself is a street style It is a very stylish item, so most people prefer casual items when matching it. The combination of “T-shirt + denim jacket” has a high appearance rate. The T-shirt is simple and neat, while the denim jacket is smart and straightforward. These two items have similar styles. You can’t go wrong with them no matter how you match them. Newbies can try it boldly when they don’t know how to style it!

LOOK5: jumpsuit + T-shirt

Neutral style is very popular nowadays When it comes to outfits, if girls want to look cool, it’s a good idea to try a neutral-style jumpsuit. The jumpsuit is simple and fashionable, and has a strong street style. Even if it is only paired with a T-shirt, it can convey a sense of luxury. For example, Qin Lan borrowed this outfit when matching. She opened the zipper on the chest of the off-white jumpsuit to show off the white T-shirt underneath, easily transforming into a street trendy person.

The “1+1” wearing method of T-shirts is popular this year, which is fashionable, slim and high-end. Qin Lan and Yuan Shanshan have already worn it. T-shirts can not only be worn alone, but also very good for layering. If you want To interpret an ordinary T-shirt into more styles, you can learn from the different stacking and matching schemes above, which will definitely bring your beauty to new heights this spring and summer!

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Author: clsrich

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