Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News How to wash mulberry silk clothes (laundry experts tell you how to wash mulberry silk clothes)

How to wash mulberry silk clothes (laundry experts tell you how to wash mulberry silk clothes)

The correct way to wash mulberry silk clothes 1. The surface of pure silk is not easily stained with dirt, so use cold water or water when cleaning. Use warm water within 30℃, add cold detergent or neutral dete…

The correct way to wash mulberry silk clothes

1. The surface of pure silk is not easily stained with dirt, so use cold water or water when cleaning. Use warm water within 30℃, add cold detergent or neutral detergent, and rub it gently with your hands. After washing, you can use softener for softening.

2. When using a washing machine, please put it in the laundry net and choose gentle.

3. If it has turned slightly yellow, you can add 3-4 ml of acid vinegar during cleaning and soak it for 5 minutes before cleaning. Just rinse with clean water.

4. If there are wrinkles after washing, just hang it on a hanger and let it dry naturally in a cool place. If necessary Ironing should be done on low heat while using a piece of press to iron the fabric.

5. Dark-colored clothes and light-colored clothes must be washed separately to avoid staining each other.

6. When washing mulberry silk clothes, neutral detergent should be used. Dry, hang to dry naturally.

7. When washing mulberry silk clothes, if you can add a small spoonful of vinegar to the water, the washed fabric will More colorful and bright.

8. Allow to dry until 80% dry and iron at medium temperature for best wrinkle removal. When ironing, the wrong side is facing up and keep Glossy, avoid spraying water to avoid water stains.

9. Fire prevention, keep it far away from the stove, and do not put it together with mothballs, otherwise it will become brittle.

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Author: clsrich

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