Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News What is the difference between the dropped shoulder style and the normal style (these 3 tips are very practical)

What is the difference between the dropped shoulder style and the normal style (these 3 tips are very practical)

Thick arms give us the biggest trouble It’s just that wearing clothes can make you feel lackluster, and if you’re not careful, you can easily look bulky and strong. Especially in summer, because my unicorn arms…

Thick arms give us the biggest trouble It’s just that wearing clothes can make you feel lackluster, and if you’re not careful, you can easily look bulky and strong. Especially in summer, because my unicorn arms are far away from all sleeveless skirts and clothes, I am very envious of those with slender upper arms.

But in fact, it doesn’t mean that you can’t wear slings if your shoulders are fleshy. Many people wear slings to make their shoulders rounder and stronger. This is often due to some differences in details and the wrong style is chosen, which magnifies the shortcomings of the shoulders. It’s obvious when you look at the comparison below.

In this issue, let’s talk about how to choose the right style for thick arms and round shoulders. Below we mainly focus on the outfits of blogger Chris, and divide it into two sections to talk about dressing tips for girls with thick arms and round shoulders. Let’s take a look:

How to choose tops with thick arms?

Arms tend to be thick People with rounded or wide shoulders should be extra careful when choosing tops, especially the design of the shoulders, as many details will expose shoulder problems. When choosing a style, pay attention to three details:Shoulder line, sleeve shape and version.

①Shoulder line

First let’s talk about the shoulder line. It may be more intuitive to compare with the previous picture. The main difference lies in the width of the sling and the position of the shoulder line. .

About the width, it is more obvious when you look at the picture below. Even though the left side shows a larger area of ​​skin, the shoulder straps are too thin, which exposes the shortcomings of fleshy and round shoulders.

On the right side, because it slightly covers part of the shoulder, and the shoulder line position is also in line with the shoulder, the overall look will look slimmer. It can be seen that For girls with thick arms, wide shoulder straps will cover more flesh than thin suspenders .

As for the position of the shoulder line, I actually talked about it in the previous selection tips for writing shoulder width. No matter what your body shape is, right-shoulder clothing will flatter your shoulder shape and be easier to wear. Exquisite sense. The same goes for rounded shoulders.

Look at the comparison. The contrast between dropped shoulders and straight shoulders has completely different temperaments.

There is also a big difference on the side. Dropped shoulders tend to be looser in sleeve shape, and the sides look bloated. For straight shoulders, because the shoulder line is exactly at the same point as the shoulder, the shoulder is more tolerant and will not appear loose and shapeless. Friendly for any shoulder type.

In addition to the dropped shoulder style, this kind of inner shoulder line is also more likely to expose shoulder gaps.g/20230301/1-2303011SZ5953.jpg” style=”height: auto;”/>

How to use matching to divert attention?

In addition to options , you can also start with matching.

For example, when the inside is tight and the outside is loose, the inside is loose and the outside is tight. It must be noted that if the inside is a loose style, then don’t choose a loose one for the outside, otherwise It will look loose and shapeless, and very lack of temperament.

In addition, one thing to pay attention to when matching is, “If the upper body is fat, the lower body must be ‘long’“.

At waist When the lines are the same, choosing a mid-length skirt can elongate the lower body line, thereby visually weakening the volume of the upper body. The comparison below is more obvious. At this time, using colors, pointed shoes, etc. can achieve a good slimming effect.

Also note,Short clothing + tight/fluffyIt is very unfriendly to girls with round upper bodies. It can be seen from the blogger wearing a red skirt in this picture that the entire upper body is wrapped, which does not cover the flesh but makes it look bloated. In comparison, the blogger with exposed arms on the right wears a more refreshing style.

I wrote an article some time ago about how to choose a style for girls with broad shoulders. Many readers said it was very useful. Thank you for your likes in advance, because your likes are the motivation for us to continue to delve into the article.

The last thing I want to say is that everyone seems to care about these small local problems and magnify the “shortcomings” of their body. In fact, paying too much attention to these local problems will make you feel less confident in dressing. On the contraryAccepting your own body is the most important.

Okay, that’s it for this issue’s sharing of round-shoulder style selection and dressing tips. Do you have any other dressing worries? Welcome to tell us in the comment area~

This article is from the Internet, does not represent Composite Fabric,bonded Fabric,Lamination Fabric position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich

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