On January 4, 2020, the Turkish Ministry of Trade issued Announcement No. 2019/37, which regulates synthetic long fibers originating in mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand. Fabric (Turkish: sentetik filament ipliklerinden dokunmu? mensucat) initiated the third anti-dumping sunset review investigation. The tax number of the product involved is 54.07.
On November 1, 2000, Turkey launched an anti-dumping investigation into synthetic long fiber fabrics originating in mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand. On February 13, 2002, Turkey imposed tariffs of 21.13-70.44%, 4.17-30.84%, 4.39-40%, 2.33-15.93%, and 2.60-30.93% respectively on the products involved in the case from mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand. Anti-dumping duties. On January 21, 2015, Turkey extended the anti-dumping duties on the products involved in the above-mentioned countries and regions for the second time (see Turkish Ministry of Economy Announcement No. 2015/3).
Original text: https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2020/01/20200104-8.htm