On November 6, 2019, the WTO Safeguards Committee released the safeguard notification submitted to it by the Indonesian delegation on November 5, 2019. The Indonesian Safeguards Committee on Imported Fabrics (Fabrics) made a preliminary ruling on safeguard measures and recommended that the products involved be levied a temporary safeguard tax as shown in the attached table (Temporary Safeguard Tax Collection Table), which is valid for 200 days. The above safeguard measures are not applicable to the products involved imported from the Macau Special Administrative Region of China.
On September 20, 2019, in response to the application submitted by the Indonesian Textile Association on September 18, 2019, the Indonesian Safeguards Committee initiated a safeguard investigation on imported fabrics. . The survey period is from 2016 to 2018.
Original text: https://docsonline.wto.org/dol2fe/Pages/SS/directdoc.aspx?filename=q:/G/SG/N7IDN2.pdf