Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Tong Liya’s casual style is also very good-looking (the loose T-shirt is very girly, I don’t know what Chen Sicheng thinks)

Tong Liya’s casual style is also very good-looking (the loose T-shirt is very girly, I don’t know what Chen Sicheng thinks)

Tong Liya started out in a song and dance troupe and is now a professional actress. She has also attended the Spring Festival Gala, so her experience can be said to be quite rich. Such an excellent Tong Liya, h…

Tong Liya started out in a song and dance troupe and is now a professional actress. She has also attended the Spring Festival Gala, so her experience can be said to be quite rich. Such an excellent Tong Liya, her married life was not satisfactory, but she still chose the most gentle way to deal with her husband’s emotional betrayal. With her beautiful temperament, she looks stunning no matter what style she wears. This group of looks she wore at the airport seemed very simple, but created a very good fashion charm.

For this appearance, Tong Liya chose short shorts and a loose T-shirt. She is full of girlishness, sunny and energetic, and her figure and face are well maintained. Stunning, such a perfect woman would not be cherished. I really don’t know what Chen Sicheng is thinking!

It is not easy to wear simple and rustic items with a sense of charm and luxury. Not only are the requirements for the figure high, but the skin color and temperament must match, otherwise the beauty will be lost and may even create a “sloppy look”.

1. Analysis of Tong Liya’s loose T-shirt + shorts style

Keywords: black and white elements; color consistency; laziness

①The combination of classic black and white elements is comfortable and gentle

The combination of black and white colors is casual but not casual, two classic styles The combination of tones makes it easier to interpret a low-key and high-end sense. Tong Liya’s look has a white and black upper body and a pure white lower body. Although there are not many eye-catching highlights and the visual impact is not rich enough, the overall style is quite comfortable and gentle.

②The color consistency of the lower body highlights the beauty of coordination

The consistency of styling and color can not only save a lot of trouble in color matching, but also create a dignified and coordinated beauty visually. The lower body items of this set are all designed in white, which is exquisite and simple, pure and beautiful. The white shoelaces are embellished with a bright red heart pattern, which does not affect the grandeur of the white look at all, but can add a bit of playful charm.

③Super loose top, creating an avant-garde and lazy connotation

The T-shirt I chose this time is particularly loose. In fact, people with a slim figure like Tong Liya can more skillfully interpret the western style of loose items. This combination is Perfectly creating an avant-garde and lazy connotation. Although it can better cover the flesh, if women with large frames choose this item, they will actually make them look fatter.

2. Analysis of Tong Liya’s casual style style

The striped shorts with pink as the main color are full of girlish charm, with a little white embedment, which not only adds gentleness and graceful charm, but also echoes the T-shirt on the upper body. The light figure and refreshing color scheme show a full sense of youth. This matching style makes Tong Liya look like a girl, and also shows her free and easy charm.

The gray knitted sweater is casual, lazy and sweet, easy and versatile, and can be found in summer and autumn. Tong Liya chose gray high-waisted pants to match it, creating a sense of consistency in color and being elegant yet powerful. Step on white canvas shoes to look more pure and beautiful. Plain color matching does not necessarily mean low-key, it can also interpret the sassy charm of a big woman.

3. Strap items bring age-reducing charm

Although the one-shoulder black overalls are a casual item, Tong Liya interprets her mature and sexy charm. Paired with white short sleeves, it is relaxed and casual, and the dark pink print is used as embellishment to add a dynamic girlish style. Tong Liya did not tie her hair this time, and chose to wear it with waist-length and shoulder-length hair. Against the background of the black baseball cap, she showed a strong and agile beauty.

This blue overalls are slim-fitting, dignified and intellectual, paired with a colorful animal print T-shirt. The overall color scheme is pure white and blue. The printing colors on the short sleeves are diversified, subtly adding a childlike charm. Wear white sneakers and carry a solid color tote bag, which is elegant and girlish!

The striped short-sleeved Tong Liya chose a white and black style, with tight lines, making the layering particularly rich. Pair it with a pure blue denim skirt to outline your slim figure. The baseball cap picked this time is also pure blue, combining casual style and dynamic atmosphere. Wearing sunglasses adds a bit of vacation style and casual style, which is quite comfortable and free.

This article is from the Internet, does not represent Composite Fabric,bonded Fabric,Lamination Fabric position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich

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