Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Leading enterprises accelerate the construction of a new pattern, and the silk industry embarks on a new path of integrated development

Leading enterprises accelerate the construction of a new pattern, and the silk industry embarks on a new path of integrated development

2021 is coming to an end. Looking back at the development of my country’s silk industry in the past 11 months, it is not difficult to find that under the influence of factors such as rising raw material p…

2021 is coming to an end. Looking back at the development of my country’s silk industry in the past 11 months, it is not difficult to find that under the influence of factors such as rising raw material prices and the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, the silk industry has faced unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Constantly adjust during the changes of transformation and upgrading, and continue to improve during the adjustment. Industrial transformation targeting new technologies, new business formats, and new models has injected strong momentum into the high-quality development of the silk industry and released key signals for industry development.

The recovery trend is obvious

Leading companies are accelerating the construction of a new pattern

Grown by 54.06% and 10.09%, opening the report cards of the first three quarters of Zhejiang Jiaxin Silk Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Wanshili Silk Culture Co., Ltd., two listed silk companies, business The growth in revenue and net profit is really impressive.

Jiaxin Silk’s report for the first three quarters of 2021 shows that the company achieved operating income of approximately 988 million yuan in the first three quarters, a year-on-year increase of 54.06%; The company’s shareholders’ net profit was approximately 15.95 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 82.3%; the company achieved basic earnings per share of 0.03 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 82.06%. Wanshili’s third quarter report for 2021 shows that the company’s main operating income is 507 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.07%; the net profit attributable to the parent company is 50.3412 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.09%; the non-net profit after deducting is 47.617 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.79%.

In the third quarter of this year, Jiaxin’s silk import and export trade showed explosive growth, and exports hit a record high. With the accelerated pace of new customer development, the enhancement of new product development capabilities, and the more perfect application of new technologies, Jiaxin Silk Group’s trading sector has accelerated its recovery and is in a good situation. Jiaxin Silk strives to implement informatization and digitalization, taking digital projects as a guide, improving the trade system and platform, enhancing innovation capabilities, and taking multiple measures to support development. The group’s trade development will be healthier, with greater potential and more vitality. In the context of accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, Jiaxin Silk takes active integration into the “internal circulation” as the node, expands the share of domestic trade as the fulcrum, focuses on enhancing the hard power of comprehensive trade, insists on quasi-domestic sales, and gradually cultivates high-quality products. Domestic customers, domestic sales growth accelerated. At the same time, Jiaxin Silk is also making every effort to advance all work around the general requirements for the construction of three major supply chain clusters in the park, mainland and overseas in the eighth round of development strategic planning. Jiaxin Silk also focuses on supply chain clusters in the mainland, and the construction of supply chain clusters is making great strides.

“We control product quality from the source, strengthen the research and development of new technologies, focus on fashion expressions full of traditional Chinese cultural connotations in design, and strive to provide customers with Bringing more personalized customized services and life aesthetic experience.” Tu Hongyan, chairman of Wansili Group, said that with the endogenous power of culture and the continuous empowerment of technology, Wansili Silk was finally successfully listed in September this year. This competition for the capital market has brought new development opportunities to Wansili Silk, and its brand reach has reached a new height, accelerating the brand process of Wansili Silk’s high-end brand.

Participate in the carbon neutrality plan

Digitalization leads the green upgrade of the industry

It is not difficult to find from the third quarter financial report of 2021 listed silk companies that both Wanshili and Jiaxin Silk listed companies are undergoing transformation and development, energy conservation and carbon reduction, and green development. A lot of effort was put into it. As the main force in implementing the “double carbon” goal of the silk industry, many silk companies are developing ecological and environmental protection layouts through technological innovation and product innovation, and promoting the green cycle and high-quality development of the industry.

At the “30·60 China Textile and Apparel Carbon Neutrality Acceleration Action Release Ceremony” held not long ago, silk industry leaders such as Wanshili and Dali Silk The company participated in the “30·60 China Fashion Brand Carbon Neutrality Acceleration Plan”.

Wansli Silk has always adhered to the path of green development, developed new processes, and used wash-free natural plant dye dyeing technology in fabric production, combined with new spray printing technology, greatly reducing sewage discharge.

Ma Tingfang, deputy general manager of Wansili Silk, said, “Digitalization is an important driving force for industry innovation.” To create a new economic highland of digital empowerment and build a green and low-carbon recycling industrial system, Wanshili Silk will focus on the digital economy and green development and practice the path of low-carbon and digital development.

Dali Silk (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. has specifically selected a two-for-one twisting machine for transformation in terms of intelligent manufacturing. Intelligent data collection, analysis and processing of the key process of double twisting integrates equipment, management, workers and other factors to reduce the number of workers, improve product quality, reduce consumption, and realize intelligent production and management , and ensure the stability, reliability and continuity of the entire process operation.

Not only that, Dali Silk also built the first intelligent digital production line in the silk industry, carrying out intelligent manufacturing digital transformation of important and key processes in silk production. Achieve rapid response in production and management, increase the efficiency of a single equipment from 75% to over 98%, reduce labor by 70%, save 35% of electricity annually, and realize an unmanned dark-light workshop at night, becoming a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing in the industry.

Lin Ping, chairman of Dali Silk (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., said that in the next step, Dali Silk will continue to lead the digital economy empowerment and green development , realize the evolution of business form and economic development modelupgrading and taking the road of sustainable development.

Open up the blocking points in the “chain”

All regions jointly build a good industrial ecology Circle

Since this year, inter-provincial silk exchanges and cooperation have become more and more active. Through cooperation and dialogue, silk enterprises hope to enhance the complementary advantages of the industry, so as to Improve the development level of the silk industry.

Not long ago, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce organized business representatives to conduct on-site inspections and discussions at silk markets and companies in Hangzhou and its surrounding areas.

Under the promotion of industrial structural adjustments such as “Eastern Mulberry Moves to the West” and “Eastern Silk Road Moves to the West” and major national engineering projects, the Zhejiang-Sichuan East-West Collaboration will be implemented in depth In the process of and counterpart support, Zhejiang’s market, brand, information, capital and other factor advantages are deeply integrated with Sichuan’s technology, quality, production capacity, human resources and other resource advantages to achieve coordinated development and effectively promote the silk industry chain, supply chain and innovation chain. The expansion and extension has enhanced the independent controllability of the industry and the initiative in the international silk market.

Chen Xiangping, President of the Sichuan Silk Association, said: “In recent years, relying on the strengths of their respective sericulture and silk industries, the two provinces have accelerated their efforts to make up for their shortcomings and make breakthroughs in key areas. , practice diligently, extend and strengthen the chain, and compete for development, and have achieved good results.”

Since this year, Guangxi Hechi has actively connected with Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan, There are nearly a hundred domestic cocoon and silk companies in Anhui, Chongqing and other places. On March 11, the Yizhou District Government of Hechi, Guangxi and the Silk Road Guangxi Hechi Silk Industrial Park Co., Ltd. successfully signed contracts with 8 cocoon and silk companies including Huzhou Yongchang Silk Co., Ltd. Investment cooperation projects. These projects are in line with the development direction of Guangxi’s silk industry, are innovative, leading and growth-oriented, and will help promote the construction of a 50 billion-level silk industrial park in Hechi, Guangxi.

At the end of October, the president of Chongqing Cocoon and Silk Industry Association and Chongqing Hongmeida Xinxing Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd. discussed Chongqing with the Jiangsu Sericulture Society The sericulture and silk industries in Jiangsu and Jiangsu have developed collaboratively. The two parties stated that they will give full play to the functions and roles of the Cocoon and Silk Industry Association and the Sericulture Society of the two places, strengthen communication, information sharing, and resource mutual assistance, and promote the construction of high-quality mulberry orchard bases, the promotion of intelligent application of sericulture, research on artificial feed breeding technology, and sericulture and silk production. Identify entry points in brand building, inheritance and promotion of traditional silk culture, and carry out in-depth cooperation to jointly promote the sound and rapid development of the sericulture and silk industries in the two places.


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Author: clsrich

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